South Downs National Park Trust
The South Downs National Park is a unique landscape that is adored by many.
Protecting and conserving the South Downs is the responsibility of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA).
The Authority works with landowners, local authorities and communities to build effective partnerships to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Park.
As a lived in landscape, is also the Planning Authority for the National Park, ensuring properly managed development that contributes to peoples’ lives and our landscapes.
However, the South Downs National Park Authority’s funding doesn’t stretch to cover all of the important work needed to protect and enhance the National Park.
The South Downs National Park Trust is the independent, official charity of the South Downs National Park. The Trust works with environmental experts, National Park rangers and local communities to find and fund the best projects that enhance and improve the National Park.
Below is a short video that sets out how the National Park Authority and how the National Park Trust work together for the benefit of the South Downs.
To find out more about the work of the South Downs National Park Trust, go to